Is The Electric Car Really Dead?

In 2006, director Chris Paine released the documentary film “Who Killed the Electric Car?” The film was about the creation, limited commercialization and eventual downfall of battery powered electric vehicles in the United States. In order to answer the titular question of the film, Paine explored the roles of the automobile...

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5 Eco-Friendly Apps for iPhone

It may seem counterintuitive to rely on an electronic device to maintain a green lifestyle, but believe it or not, there’s an app for that too. Actually, there are several options covering most of our activities. If you know what to look for, a portfolio of eco-friendly apps is only a few clicks away on the App Store. Some of the...

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New Copiers Are Good For the Environment

Printing is Out. Document Management is In. The days of printing out a memo for every employee in the office are over.  Think of all the obscene amounts of paper that have been used over the years.  It boggles the mind we have any trees left at all.  Thank God for the internet, e-mail, and document management systems.  These...

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Hydroponic Seedling Germination Equipment Success Is Measured By Results

There are many ways of going about starting a gardening adventure. You can begin in your own back yard by digging up a spot around the fence line or edge of the house, or you can actually dig up the whole yard to create an area where you will be able to grow anything that will fit into that area. This kind of adventure will be...

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Demand for Fair Trade Products Surge Despite Recession

The world Fair trade day has rolled out again and it is on May 14th, 2011. A lot of people are often confused about environmentally-friendly products and fair trade products. Fair trade means a market-based approach which brings equity to the economy by helping small and medium producers in developing, under developed countries and...

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