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Disposing of Home Renovation Waste the Green Way

Posted by on Feb 16, 2013 in Around The World, Green Living Tips, United Kingdom | Comments Off on Disposing of Home Renovation Waste the Green Way

You’re renovating your home and all of a sudden the growing pile of rubble fills you with guilt: how does one remove all of that waste without harming the environment?  Well fear not, because green waste removal is on the rise and today we are going to explain how to remove home renovation waste the green way. Divide and recycle The thing about home renovation waste is that only a portion of it is actual waste, and the rest is recyclable. Get your gloves and overalls on and start dividing! Using large bins for each recyclable material,...

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How to Cut Down Your Energy Use

Posted by on Feb 15, 2013 in Featured, Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on How to Cut Down Your Energy Use

How to Cut Down Your Energy Use

For home owners and businesses, it is becoming increasingly important to reduce our carbon footprints. Whether that means buying locally sourced food, leaving the car at home, or cutting down energy use; we are taking an increasingly active role in helping to protect the planet. But reducing our carbon footprint can have more than one effect for families and businesses. Reducing your energy use can help slash your bills; something all property owners are looking to do at present. So how can you cut down on your energy use to help do your bit...

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Environmental Money Matters

Posted by on Feb 15, 2013 in Around The World, Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs, United Kingdom | Comments Off on Environmental Money Matters

People are increasingly considering the impact of their actions on the environment. The reasons for this are many: Greater knowledge of the risks of global warning has contributed to an increase in awareness. People acknowledging the link between being green and saving money. Governmental changes forcing people to consider how they interact with the environment. The list goes on. If you are one of those that wants to save money then the good news is that changing your daily pattern and investing in some more energy efficient products can...

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5 Amazing Eco Beds

Posted by on Feb 14, 2013 in Featured, Fun and Quirky, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on 5 Amazing Eco Beds

5 Amazing Eco Beds

Bedrooms are no longer just a place to sleep; they are a retreat from the stresses of the world. They are a vacation villa without the airline and exotic costs of the adventure. With all that goes into decorating your getaway, many propose using eco-friendly sustainable materials in order to furnish. Using eco materials in beds that will promote a healthy environment and a low carbon footprint will not only highlight your flair for the green way of life, but also the serenity of your surroundings.   Bella Terra Organic Hemp Bed...

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Home Alarm System Mobile Apps: The One Platform Approach to an Eco-friendly and Healthy Home

Posted by on Feb 14, 2013 in Around The World, Guest Blogs, New Ideas, North America | Comments Off on Home Alarm System Mobile Apps: The One Platform Approach to an Eco-friendly and Healthy Home

Since the introduction of mobile devices, consumers have utilized their accessibility and practical uses and changed the way they approach the eco-friendliness and health of their homes. The apps they offer give consumers the greatest convenience and act as intermediary tools that provide easy access to critical health and environmental information about their homes. Specific apps give people the ability to monitor the security, safety and energy levels of their homes from any location. The apps provide easy access to people’s alarm systems,...

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The Future Of Electric Cars

Posted by on Feb 14, 2013 in Featured, Guest Blogs, New Ideas | Comments Off on The Future Of Electric Cars

The Future Of Electric Cars

The electric car has come a long way since the late 19th century. Improvements in battery technology and efficiency have led to faster, longer ranging cars that can recharge faster than ever. From the legendary Tesla Roadster to the affordable Ford ECOnetic, electric cars are becoming more and more popular and better and better equipped. It will be interesting to see how these new technologies will be put to use in the future of electric cars. Wireless Charging Wireless power was the dream of famous scientist Nikola Tesla. Using his ideas of...

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Give Your Loved One Potted Flowers For Valentines Day

Posted by on Feb 13, 2013 in Featured, Fun and Quirky | Comments Off on Give Your Loved One Potted Flowers For Valentines Day

Give Your Loved One Potted Flowers For Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day has rolled right up to our doorstep and like many I am freaking out about what to give my partner. Sure there are all the old faithfuls like jewelry, chocolate, wine and a bouquet of flowers but I want to give her something meaningful and non cliche and I thought of something perfect; a pot plant! Sure you might think, “that’s messy and boring, give me the wine and jewelry” but I am not intending to sweep her off her feet with this gift (I did that long ago). If I wanted to get all smooshy about the meaning behind...

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Superstorms Mean Trouble for Superfund Sites

Posted by on Feb 13, 2013 in Around The World, Guest Blogs, North America | Comments Off on Superstorms Mean Trouble for Superfund Sites

On the morning of Nov. 29, 2012, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey spoke at a Senate hearing to address the impact Superstorm Sandy had on New Jersey. He requested the Environmental Protection Agency and the Environmental Public Works (EPW) move forward in rebuilding the affected areas. Lautenberg, who is chairman of the EPW subcommittee on superfund, toxics and environmental health, proposed a Superfund Emergency Response Act to protect the public from toxic waste released during natural disasters. The emergency fund would cover...

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Research Indicates CO2 Acts As Fertiliser

Posted by on Feb 10, 2013 in Featured, News | Comments Off on Research Indicates CO2 Acts As Fertiliser

Research Indicates CO2 Acts As Fertiliser

In 2000 a widely distributed report claimed that it was distinctly possible that by the year 2050 the Amazon Rainforest could dry out and completely die due to rising temperatures related to carbon emissions. It seems rumours of the Amazon’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. The same researcher who made these startling claims back in 2000, Professor Peter Cox from the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, has now backtracked, citing the fact that new discoveries indicate that CO2 actually acts as an airborne fertiliser,...

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The Ultimate Car of the Future

Posted by on Feb 8, 2013 in Featured, New Ideas | Comments Off on The Ultimate Car of the Future

The Ultimate Car of the Future

Have you ever wondered what people from the 1920s would think if they saw our modern day cars? Have you ever gone a step further and wondered what our cars will look like ten, twenty or fifty years from now? I guess that you imagined that we would all be cruising in flying cars that hover six foot from the ground. Well, we aren’t quite there yet. But technology has really advanced in the last few decades. With car technology evolving at a rapid rate it might be difficult to picture. Cars are vastly different from the machines of a few...

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