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Greenhouse Accessory Shopping Tips

Posted by on May 19, 2011 in Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Greenhouse Accessory Shopping Tips

There are probably a hundred and one different accessories and brands that you can get for your greenhouses today. And with all the choices, you may end up not knowing what you really need exactly and how to pick the right ones. So if you need a hand, here are a few smart and helpful tips on how to buy greenhouse accessories. Always do your homework before buying a greenhouse accessory. Greenhouse is more than just planting and looking for the right accessories is more than just shopping. You need to know what each accessory does, if you...

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How To Design a Water Efficient Garden

Posted by on May 19, 2011 in Fun and Quirky, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on How To Design a Water Efficient Garden

In many areas of the States, water use for irrigation exceeds indoor consumption, averaging more than 50% of total residential consumption in the U.S. So, while installing water-efficient fixtures inside a home is an important step toward water efficiency, addressing outside use should be at the top of your list, especially if your projects are in drought-prone locations. But where outfitting a home with efficient bath fixtures is pretty straight forward, designing and installing water-efficient landscaping and irrigation can be complex. And...

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5 Tips To Reduce Your Bills and Help The Environment

Posted by on Jan 5, 2011 in General, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on 5 Tips To Reduce Your Bills and Help The Environment

There are many obvious tips you can find online to reduce your monthly power and gas bills, but there are also a range of clever tricks that you may not have heard of to reduce your monthly power bills while also doing your part to save the environment. This article will discuss five tricks that will not only slash your monthly power bills, but will also reduce your household’s pressure on the environment. Tip #1 – Unplug, Unplug and Unplug! Studies have shown that many household appliances and electronics continue to pull a small current...

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Are Credit Cards With Gas Incentives Bad For The Environment?

Posted by on Aug 8, 2010 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Are Credit Cards With Gas Incentives Bad For The Environment?

Why do Americans consume so much gas? Well, there are a lot of culprits we can blame… poor fuel efficiency standards, underdeveloped public transit, low taxes on gas, bad politics, and the list goes on. Probably the last thing that comes to mind are credit cards. But the truth of the matter is that there are numerous gas credit cards on the market that give higher rebates on gas… they are actually rewarding consumers for using more gas. Does that make common sense? Is that something we really need to be incentivizing?! As much as we hate...

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Start A Family Garden

Posted by on Jun 27, 2010 in Featured, Fun and Quirky | Comments Off on Start A Family Garden

Start A Family Garden

These days, it’s hard to get the kids off the couch with the Internet and video games to contend with, let alone get the whole family together for a group project. However, if you are so inclined to give it a shot and get your family to connect on something around the home that will do everyone some good, why not start a family garden? There are several benefits to having a garden, and when you add the whole family, it becomes extra special. You can teach your children a little bit about nature, the current condition of the planet, the...

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Eco Living Made Easy

Posted by on Jun 25, 2010 in Eco Living Videos | Comments Off on Eco Living Made Easy

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What Is Composting?

Posted by on Jun 14, 2010 in Featured, General, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on What Is Composting?

What Is Composting?

Have you ever encountered a property that had such a vibrant flower garden that it stopped you in your tracks for a minute? Maybe a neighbor on your block has a vegetable garden that grows some of the most delicious looking vegetables that you’ve seen in a home garden? Well, it’s likely that the gardeners are passionate about what they’re doing, but it’s also a sure bet they have extremely healthy soil that is helping them out. How can you get that type of soil? Easy! It just takes a little composting know-how. Composting isn’t...

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Eco Living By Giving To Charity

Posted by on Apr 26, 2010 in Featured, Fun and Quirky | Comments Off on Eco Living By Giving To Charity

Eco Living By Giving To Charity

Many people unfortunately still have the perception that saving the planet is something separate than doing something to help ourselves. When you do something to help the environment, you are also helping all of us who live on it since without a healthy planet, we would not survive. So, even if you can’t wrap your head around that concept yet, there are ways you can “go green” and give back while being kind to the environment at the same time. Giving away stuff that you no longer need to charity is a perfect way to keep more trash out...

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Green Living Ideas For Celebrations

Posted by on Apr 12, 2010 in Featured, Fun and Quirky | Comments Off on Green Living Ideas For Celebrations

All of us celebrate something at least a few times a year with holidays, birthdays, and other celebrations. Often, these celebrations, especially the elaborate ones, end up with a lot of disposable waste that is not very environmentally friendly. Green living can take a bit of creative thinking on your part, especially when putting together a party atmosphere but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In fact, after you’ve done one or two celebrations with more eco-friendly items, you begin to enjoy thinking of fun ways to add more to the...

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Getting The Family To Recycle

Posted by on Jul 2, 2009 in Featured, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Getting The Family To Recycle

For many of us, the fact that we live far from landfills is a blessing, but it also often means that it’s easy for us to forget the massive problem that exists with the heaping piles of waste that plague our environment. When you and your family decide to make it a priority to recycle, you are making a commitment that does a great service to our Earth and all life that inhabits it. There are so many products that we all use on a daily basis that are not environmentally friendly in the slightest. When you see a pop can lying in a ditch, that...

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