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So you are thinking of building a new home?

Posted by on Mar 5, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on So you are thinking of building a new home?

So you are thinking of building a new home?

Well let me start with an old saying ‘The greenest building is the building that doesn’t get built at all”… Strange to start off with I know, but this is because building a home will almost always degrade a site. So to avoid this, it is preferable not to start a new build at all by retrofitting. As not building anything at all or retrofitting an existing structure is not always a feasible or interesting option, the intention then is to build using sustainable, renewable methods to minimize the footprint you are making on the...

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How To Save Your Future With Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning

Posted by on Mar 4, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on How To Save Your Future With Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning

Air conditioning was, at it’s origin, sustainable. The ancient Romans had an eco- friendly solution. It is unclear exactly when in their twelve centuries of existence they pioneered indoor cooling systems, but whenever it was, it was ingenious. We are working hard to find our way back to the original sustainability with the addition of convenience. There are eco-friendly options as well as ways to use air conditioning efficiently.  Here is how the Romans did it. The Roman cool: The massive aqueducts supplied water for to entire...

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Why Aren’t You Driving One Of These?

Posted by on Mar 4, 2013 in Around The World, Australia, Featured | Comments Off on Why Aren’t You Driving One Of These?

Why Aren’t You Driving One Of These?

It’s been years now since the fully electric car was introduced to the market place yet despite all the uproar about environmentalism, climate change, renewable energy and the like, we still see petrol guzzlers dominating the streets.   There are a few reasons why they haven’t taken off in Australia and the main one is that local, state and federal governments simply haven’t got behind them. In other countries you see recharge stations on the side of highways but in Australia they are hidden in nooks inside capital...

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How To Use Eco-friendly Promotional Items For Marketing Events

Posted by on Mar 4, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on How To Use Eco-friendly Promotional Items For Marketing Events

In a world that sees global warming, using eco-friendly promotional items can go a long way in caring for the environment. Now more than ever, we need to be more responsible in fulfilling our roles as stewards of the environment. Here are the benefits of using eco-friendly promotional items: First of all, eco-friendly promotional products are made from recycled products so they will really make a great deal in conserving Mother Earth as it will not contribute to environmental waste. Another great advantage of using eco-friendly promotional...

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Green Vacations and Cruises: Four Top Spots for Tropical Ecotourism

Posted by on Mar 2, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Green Vacations and Cruises: Four Top Spots for Tropical Ecotourism

Green Vacations and Cruises: Four Top Spots for Tropical Ecotourism

More and more people are “going green” these days and striving to live their lives in environmentally friendly and responsible ways. They are doing so in easy and integrated ways such as daily recycling, composting in their yards, choosing Energy Saver appliances, carpooling, using mass transit or bicycling when possible, or choosing an electric hybrid car instead of a gas guzzler. While there are many ways to “go green” and help the environment, it is also possible to go on vacation in an environmentally friendly way....

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Eco Friendly Office Spaces – and Why You Can’t Trust Kermit the Frog.

Posted by on Mar 1, 2013 in Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Eco Friendly Office Spaces – and Why You Can’t Trust Kermit the Frog.

Eco Friendly Office Spaces – and Why You Can’t Trust Kermit the Frog.

Kermit the Frog lied to us, because it turns out that it’s actually really easy being green. Creating an Eco Friendly or ‘Green’ Office is not as daunting a challenge as you may think, but before we dive into the how and why of going green let’s take a look at the different challenges that most commercial workspaces face and what obstacles stand in the way of a smooth transition to an ecologically friendly work environment. There are 2 main approaches to going green at work and the first one applies when you are creating an entirely...

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5 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Ski Manufacturers

Posted by on Mar 1, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on 5 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Ski Manufacturers

The call of the white powder and the rush of plunging down the mountain is what draws skiers to the cold temperatures of winter sports, but this does not mean that skiers and snowboarders are not ecologically minded. Many skiers on their winter Group ski holidays are taking advantage of resorts with renewable energy sources like wind-power and aggressive recycling policies. Furthermore they are looking for companies that are providing eco-friendly products made with sustainable components. Lokomotiv Ski At Lokomotiv, the company recognizes...

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Strong Growth in the Solar Industry for 2013

Posted by on Feb 28, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Strong Growth in the Solar Industry for 2013

New Report Predicts Strong Growth in the Solar Industry for 2013 As the world economy continues its slow but steady recovery from the calamities of 2008, the solar industry is showing signs that it, too, is expanding. This observation is based on information from a recently released 65-page report entitled National Solar Jobs Census 2012. The contents can be viewed in their entirety at The Solar Foundation website. Aside from a healthy amount of growth in the field, the report also indicates that the industry is transitioning from an...

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Learn About Different Functions of a Water Fountain and Their New Eco-Friendly Options

Posted by on Feb 27, 2013 in Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Learn About Different Functions of a Water Fountain and Their New Eco-Friendly Options

Since the ancient times water fountains have served different purposes at homes, work locations and public areas. They were once used exclusively as a resource for drinking water and also as aqueducts. During the Middle Ages they were also used as a source of fresh water for bathing, washing and other purposes by the general public. From the Roman Empire across the Middle East, the use of fountains found a place in both the interior and exterior of homes as an outstanding decor element. It also became a very important piece that was used as a...

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How to Keep Your Backyard Safe for Your Kids

Posted by on Feb 26, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on How to Keep Your Backyard Safe for Your Kids

Every kid loves to play outside and most of us try hard to make their own backyard an exciting and fun place to be, whilst at the same time doing our very best to make sure that they are able to play safely. Play sand One of the best materials you can use for creating a safe play area for your kids is play sand, and we all know what it is and where to buy it from, but to reassure you about its suitability, it is worth telling you where is actually comes from. Play sand is specially formulated for children’s play areas and the grains that you...

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