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Solar Power Vs. Power Generators

Posted by on Feb 22, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Solar Power Vs. Power Generators

Coal power generators have been around since the start of the industrial revolution, whereas solar power generation has been with us for but a few short years. Historically, coal has always been a cheap form of fuel and it was probably for that reason that coal’s underlying problem was ignored – it polluted the atmosphere and damaged our health. Pollution differences between solar power generation and coal powered generation As coal is a combustible fuel, when it burns, it emits carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 has been noted as a major cause of...

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Waste Not Want Not: Reducing Your Waste

Posted by on Feb 21, 2013 in Around The World, Featured, Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs, North America | Comments Off on Waste Not Want Not: Reducing Your Waste

Waste Not Want Not: Reducing Your Waste

We live in a society where living a green lifestyle is extremely important. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle means that you care about lowering your carbon footprint, and are taking steps to reduce, reuse and recycle responsibly. Environmentally friendly is the sum of everything you do on a daily basis. By using resources wisely; we can reduce waste in an efficient manner. You do not have to change everything at once; instead you should ease yourself into making small gradual changes that will be helpful and beneficial to the environment. The...

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5 Earthly Ways To Green Up Your Beauty Routine

Posted by on Feb 20, 2013 in Featured, Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on 5 Earthly Ways To Green Up Your Beauty Routine

5 Earthly Ways To Green Up Your Beauty Routine

Sometimes, we’re forced to suffer for our beauty (waxing and plucking…owwie), but that doesn’t mean that the planet has to suffer too. Making some small changes to your beauty routine can decrease your carbon footprint and cut down on your bills. Here are just a few ways that you can get out of bad habits and greenwash your beauty cupboard: Cut Down On Water Usage Begin by saving on shower time. Every minute that you spend under the faucet, you waste approximately five gallons of water. Don’t languish under the warm water, but get out...

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Upcycling tips for the garden

Posted by on Feb 20, 2013 in Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Upcycling tips for the garden

Upcycling tips for the garden

The garden is the perfect environment for upcycling as it provides a lot of opportunities to re-purpose disposable household items into something useful. The great thing is that this is usually very easy to do, and can improve the look of your garden as well as making it more eco-friendly. Below are a few quick tips to help you start upcycling in the garden. The best part of this is being creative and learning from others, so if you have any other upcycling tips please share them in the comments section at the bottom. Planting seeds There are...

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Guide to Travelling Thailand Without Leaving a Carbon Footprint

Posted by on Feb 19, 2013 in Asia, Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Guide to Travelling Thailand Without Leaving a Carbon Footprint

As far as awesome backpacking destinations go – Thailand has to be pretty high on the list. And it’s not hard to see why. The endless beaches, the beautiful islands, the gorgeous food, friendly locals and cheap prices too, make it a haven for anyone wanting to take a few weeks (or months) out from their normal routine. It can be difficult as an eco friendly traveller though – as you’re constantly searching for ways to make your travel habits a little more green a little more environmentally friendly. It can be hard – because when...

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Going Green For Fun and Profit

Posted by on Feb 19, 2013 in Around The World, Fun and Quirky, Guest Blogs, United Kingdom | Comments Off on Going Green For Fun and Profit

Shopping for green products can be a lot of fun. This is an expanding area with new types of goods and green materials being released each week. A great deal of innovation is evident from young British designers & ones from abroad who are keen to show off their talents by using green materials in new and interesting ways. When we think of green products, perhaps we think about fields with rows and rows of brilliant white wind turbines slowly rotating together. Or we think of the building in a recent James Bond film that was powered by...

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What To Do In The Event of a Gas Leak

Posted by on Feb 19, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on What To Do In The Event of a Gas Leak

Gas is typically a harmless and eco-friendly way to heat your household but it can also be potentially hazardous if a leak arises or an appliance is damaged. If you smell gas or think that you might have a gas leak anywhere then you must call the gas emergency line immediately. Open your windows and doors to let air in, ensure all gas appliances are turned off and turn the gas off at the mains if at all possible. Do not turn lights on or off and evade using additional electrical switches and appliances as this could cause an eruption. Do...

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Weird Alternative Fuels for Cars

Posted by on Feb 18, 2013 in Around The World, Fun and Quirky, Guest Blogs, New Ideas, United Kingdom | Comments Off on Weird Alternative Fuels for Cars

Petrol has seen a significant  increase in price in the last twenty years and as oil supply is drained it looks like this trend is set to continue. Needless to say, the only real way to curb rising fuel costs is to find an alternative if not infinite supply of alternative energy. Fortunately, there are plenty of scientists on the job and among the reasonable alternatives there have been a number of more colourful proposals put forward too. So, let’s look at the crazy alternative fuels; some that would make Doc Brown’s Flux Capacitor look...

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Tips for Buying a Green Car

Posted by on Feb 18, 2013 in Guest Blogs | Comments Off on Tips for Buying a Green Car

Fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly cars are becoming popular around the world with each passing year. Many different companies have started to make green cars. With so many choices currently available on the market, how do you decide which one to buy? Let’s take a look at some important things to consider before you make your purchase:   Labels do not guarantee results Are you interested in getting better gas mileage? Do you want to buy a hybrid? The two are not necessarily one in the same. Just because a car is called a...

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Will Cars Ever Become Obsolete?

Posted by on Feb 17, 2013 in Guest Blogs, New Ideas | Comments Off on Will Cars Ever Become Obsolete?

We all know how advanced technology is today, and we are aware that it is only going to get even more sophisticated. It affects every aspect of our lives, as we see lots of items, such as various household appliances, that we used to use on a daily basis becoming obsolete, replaced by more high-tech pieces of equipment. In the next couple of decades, we can expect that same thing to happen to one the most used items in our everyday lives, the basic means of transportation for millions of people – the car. Cars have come a long way since...

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