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Sending a Green Message with Eco Graphic Design

Mar 06, 13 Sending a Green Message with Eco Graphic Design

Posted by in Australia, Featured, Guest Blogs, New Ideas

Graphic design as a profession has evolved quite significantly over the past 10 years or so. With the emergence of the digital sphere and a decreased focus on print design, communication designers have begun asking important questions about where their profession fits within the commercial world. Where is graphic design heading and...

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So you are thinking of building a new home?

Mar 05, 13 So you are thinking of building a new home?

Posted by in Guest Blogs

Well let me start with an old saying ‘The greenest building is the building that doesn’t get built at all”… Strange to start off with I know, but this is because building a home will almost always degrade a site. So to avoid this, it is preferable not to start a new build at all by retrofitting. As not building...

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How To Save Your Future With Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning

Air conditioning was, at it’s origin, sustainable. The ancient Romans had an eco- friendly solution. It is unclear exactly when in their twelve centuries of existence they pioneered indoor cooling systems, but whenever it was, it was ingenious. We are working hard to find our way back to the original sustainability with the...

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Why Aren’t You Driving One Of These?

Mar 04, 13 Why Aren’t You Driving One Of These?

Posted by in Around The World, Australia, Featured

It’s been years now since the fully electric car was introduced to the market place yet despite all the uproar about environmentalism, climate change, renewable energy and the like, we still see petrol guzzlers dominating the streets.   There are a few reasons why they haven’t taken off in Australia and the main...

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How To Use Eco-friendly Promotional Items For Marketing Events

In a world that sees global warming, using eco-friendly promotional items can go a long way in caring for the environment. Now more than ever, we need to be more responsible in fulfilling our roles as stewards of the environment. Here are the benefits of using eco-friendly promotional items: First of all, eco-friendly promotional...

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Green Vacations and Cruises: Four Top Spots for Tropical Ecotourism

Mar 02, 13 Green Vacations and Cruises: Four Top Spots for Tropical Ecotourism

Posted by in Guest Blogs

More and more people are “going green” these days and striving to live their lives in environmentally friendly and responsible ways. They are doing so in easy and integrated ways such as daily recycling, composting in their yards, choosing Energy Saver appliances, carpooling, using mass transit or bicycling when...

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