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Eco-Friendly Advice for Travelers: How to Maintain a “Green” Mindset While on Vacation

Feb 24, 13 Eco-Friendly Advice for Travelers: How to Maintain a “Green” Mindset While on Vacation

Posted by in Green Living Tips

Taking a vacation is often an escape from the real world for many people. However, it is important to remember that everything you do while you are gone has an effect on the towns and communities that you visit. You can, however, maintain an eco-friendly mindset while on vacation and continue your efforts to preserve the Earth even...

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Reducing Your Waste And Saving Money in the Process

By Amy Sawyer Reducing the amount of waste that we produce is more important than ever. As the planet comes under pressure from an increasing population living resource-intensive lifestyles, the environmental benefits of reducing waste are clear. However, what many people don’t realise is that reducing waste can also help them to...

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5 Reasons to Create an Organic Garden

Author Bio: Mackenzie Kupfer has been a lover of all things green since the age of six when she began gardening with her Nana. She is currently an online publisher for the tomato cage supplier, Avant Garden Decor. In her free time, Mackenzie enjoys attending garden shows, hiking, and collecting ceramic tea sets. Organic gardening...

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Solar Power Vs. Power Generators

Coal power generators have been around since the start of the industrial revolution, whereas solar power generation has been with us for but a few short years. Historically, coal has always been a cheap form of fuel and it was probably for that reason that coal’s underlying problem was ignored – it polluted the atmosphere and...

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Waste Not Want Not: Reducing Your Waste

We live in a society where living a green lifestyle is extremely important. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle means that you care about lowering your carbon footprint, and are taking steps to reduce, reuse and recycle responsibly. Environmentally friendly is the sum of everything you do on a daily basis. By using resources wisely; we...

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5 Earthly Ways To Green Up Your Beauty Routine

Feb 20, 13 5 Earthly Ways To Green Up Your Beauty Routine

Posted by in Featured, Green Living Tips, Guest Blogs

Sometimes, we’re forced to suffer for our beauty (waxing and plucking…owwie), but that doesn’t mean that the planet has to suffer too. Making some small changes to your beauty routine can decrease your carbon footprint and cut down on your bills. Here are just a few ways that you can get out of bad habits and greenwash your...

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